SP21-411 AES West Oʻahu Solar, LLC

The Commission heard the Petition for Special Use Permit on June 9, 2021, and the Commission voted to approve the Petition subject to Conditions.

LUC Notices and OrdersPetitioner FilingsState Office of Planning & Sustainable Development (OPSD) FilingsCity & County of Honolulu FilingsPublic Comments/CorrespondenceAnnual Reports

Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Decision and Order (06/24/2021)


Agenda Notices & Minutes

June 09-10, 2021: Agenda | Minutes | YouTube 06/09 | YouTube 06/10

Petitioner’s Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision and Order; Exhibit “A” and COS (05/13/2021)

Amended Certificate of Service (05/13/2021)

EXHIBITS: Planning Commission Index of the Record (Revised 05/13/2021)
State Special Use Permit SP21-411, File No. 2020/SUP-6 (RY)

Exhibit 1: Tetra Tech’s transmittal letter dated August 31, 2020 – DPP date stamped September 1, 2020 with the revised application for AES West Oahu Solar, along with Applicant’s fee of $15,000.
*due to size the exhibit has been split into individual files: 1 2 3 4 5,  6 6a 7,  8 9

Exhibit 2: Department of Planning & Permitting Environmental Checklist and TMK Report.

Exhibit 3: The Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) acceptance letter dated October 8, 2020 to Lisa Kettley of Tetra Tech.  Enclosure include Receipt No. 128397.

Exhibit 4: Notice of Application dated October 8, 2020, Location map, and Summary Description.

Exhibit 5: Memo(s) to City, State, Federal Agencies, Community Organizations, Elected Officials and Other Interested Parties from DPP, dated October 8, 2020 requesting comments.  Memos included a link to the copy of the application for SUP, summary description and location map of the project.  Memo(s) to Ewa/Makakilo/Kapolei/Honokai Hale Neighborhood Boards and community organizations dated October 8, 2020 include SUP app download URL info.

Exhibit 6: Copy of mailing labels, including agencies, organizations, and Councilmember’s who were mailed the Notice of Application.

Exhibit 7: Tetra Tech’s transmittal letter of 12 hard copies of application and 1 CD copies dated                                             December 7, 2020.

Exhibit 8: Agency comments (original copies) on the SUP Application by the State Department of Transportation, Honolulu Police Department, Honolulu Fire Department, Board of Water Supply, Hawaii State Energy Office, Department of Environmental Services, Land Use Commission and Department of Transportation

Exhibit 9: Community comment from Hawaii’s Thousand Friends

Exhibit 10 (Part I and Part II): Applicant’s Supplemental Information dated October 22, 2020, DPP received on October 23, 2020 with revised  Attachments (H & A), Signed Statements Regarding Supporting Technical Studies and Correspondence with State Historic Preservation Division Staff.

Exhibit 11: Email Testimonies: 1. Martha Staff 2. Glads Bautista 3. Mahina Lealao 4.  Pearl Johnson 5. Dr. Judith Gooch 6. Leon Siu 7. Raul Bautista 8. Margit Von Schafnitzel 9. Victoria Cannon  10. Michele Lincoln  11. Melelani Llanes  12. Sheila Valdez 13. Natalie Iwasa  14. Dr. Kioni Dudley 15. Dr. Kioni Dudley for Neighborhood Board #34 Resolution 16. Piilani Kaopuiki.

Exhibit 12: Tetra Tech’s response letter dated November 16, 2020 to the DPP regarding agency comments.  Enclosures include:  Agency comment from LUC and AES’ letter to State Historic Preservation Division regarding Archealogical Inventory Survey.

Exhibit 13: Tetra Tech’s letter to DPP additional document for SUP with  a Draft Easement Plan enclosed.

Exhibit 14: Memo from the DPP to the PC dated December 2, 2020 transmitting attached Director’s Report and Recommendation for approval of the SUP with conditions.

Exhibit 15: PC stamped transmittal letter of Director’s Report

Exhibit 16: Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) MEMO to Planning Commission w/enclosures dated December 2, 2020, re: Special Use Permit (SUP) Application File No. 2020/SUP-6 by AES West Oahu Solar, LLC for a 12.5-Megawatt Solar Photovoltaic and 50-Megawatt-Hour Battery Storage Facility, Honouliuli, Ewa District, Oahu, Tax Map Kay 9-2-002: Portion of Parcel 007.

Exhibit 17: Tetra Tech transmittal letter to the Planning Commission dated December 7, 2020, re: AES West Oahu Solar Plus Storage Project – Copies of State Special Use Permit Application.

Exhibit 17-A: AES_WestOahu_SUP-Revised_08.31.200.pdf [parts 1 thru 18] A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18

Exhibit 17-B: AES_WestOahu_SUP_SupplementalFiling-10/20.2020.pdf

Exhibit 17-C: Enclosure1_SiteDrawings-SUP Attachment H.pdf [parts 1 thru 2] C1, C2

Exhibit 17-D: Enclosure2_ProjectFigures-SUP Attachment [parts 1 thru 7] D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7

Exhibit 17-E: Enclosure3_ConsultantStatements.pdf

Exhibit 17-F: Enclosure4_SHPD.pdf

Exhibit 17-G: AES_WestOahu_SUP_SupplementalFiling-11.16.2020.pdf

Exhibit 17-H: Enclosure1_19537-WEST OAHU-CONCEPT- TMK PLAN (006).pdf

Exhibit 18: Nick Molinari, Project Development Manager, AES West Oahu Solar, LLC, letter to the Planning Commission dated December 11, 2020, re: Request for Modifications to Recommendations and Findings of Fact, Special Use Permit (SUP) Application File No. 2020/SUP-6

Exhibit 19: Curtis T. Tabata, Esq., Matsubara Kotake & Tabata letter to the Planning Commission dated December 14, 2020, re: Applicant AES West Oahu Solar, LLC File No. 2020/SUP-6, Exhibits 1 – 21.

Exhibit 20: Curtis T. Tabata, Esq., Matsubara Kotake & Tabata letter to the Planning Commission dated December 29, 2020, re: Applicant AES West Oahu Solar, LLC File No. 2020/SUP-6, Exhibits  22 – 26 & Exhibit 24 part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4

Exhibit 21: Department of Planning and Permitting January 4, 2021 letter to Nick Molinari, Project Development Manager, AES West O‘ahu Solar, LLC

Exhibit 22: Curtis T. Tabata, Esq., Matsubara Kotake & Tabata letter to the Planning Commission dated January 6, 2021, re: Applicant AES West Oahu Solar, LLC File No. 2020/SUP-6, Exhibit 27

Exhibit 23: Planning Commission January 6, 2021 Notice of Public Hearing

Exhibit 24: Planning Commission January 6, 2021 Notice of Public Hearing mailing label list

Exhibit 25: Planning Commission January 6, 2021 Agenda

Exhibit 26: Planning Commission Written Testimonies

Exhibit 27: Planning Commission January 6, 2021 Transcript

Exhibit 28: Planning Commission January 6, 2021 Minutes Summary

Exhibit 29: Applicant’s Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order Approving the Application for State Special Use Permit and Certificate of Service, February 9, 2021

Exhibit 30: Applicant’s First Amended Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order, Approving the Application for State Special Use Permit File No. 2020/SUP-6, AES West Oahu Solar, LLC; Exhibit “A” and Certificate of Service, dated February 18, 2021

Exhibit 31: Planning Commission March 3, 2021 Agenda

Exhibit 32: Planning Commission March 17, 2021 Agenda

Exhibit 33: Planning Commission Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order, AES West Oahu Solar, LLC, for a Special Use Permit File No. 2020/SUP-6, March 17, 2021

Exhibit 34: Planning Commission March 17, 2021 Minutes Summary

Exhibit 35: Planning Commission transmittal of record letter to the State Land Use Commission, April 30, 2021, with enclosed Index of the Record, Department of Planning and Permitting File No. 2020/SUP-6, AES West Oahu Solar, LLC

Exhibit 36: Planning Commission April 28, 2021 Minutes Summary

No filings received.

In accordance with the LUC Decision and Order (06/24/2021) Condition No. 11: The Petitioner shall provide annual reports to the Land Use Commission. 

2021 Annual Report (12/21/2021)

2022 Annual Report (12/06/2022)

2023 Annual Report (12/13/2023)

Condition No. 2 Compliance Report (07/29/2024)

2024 Annual Report (12/27/2024)