2017 Petition for DBA


Hawaiian Memorial Life Plan, Ltd. (“Petitioner”) is requesting to amend the boundaries of the State Land Use Conservation District into the State Urban District for approximately 53.449 acres of land at Kāne’ohe, Island of O’ahu, State of Hawai’i covering Tax Map Key No. (1)-4-5-033: por. 001.  The proposed reclassification is to allow the expansion of the cemetery area, creation of a cultural preserve, internal roadways, and open space area. The proposed expansion will require the use of state or county lands, including public roadways that will trigger an environmental assessment under Section 343-5(a)(1), Hawai`i Revised Statutes (HRS).

Status- Completed hearing and Decision and Order issued 10/13/2020

Petitioner filed its Petition with the Commission on Monday November 13, 2017.  The Petition was reviewed by staff and was deemed incomplete until the Chapter 343, HRS, environmental review process had been completed and Petitioner filed an amended Petition.

Petitioner also filed on November 13, 2017, Petitioner’s Motion to Designate the Land Use Commission as Approving Authority for Environmental Statement Under Chapter 343, HRS, and for Authority to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Notice (“EISPN”).  The Commission held a hearing on this request on November 21, 2017 in Honolulu, Hawai’i.  The Commission agreed to be the reviewing and accepting agency for Petitioner’s Chapter 343, HRS, compliance; identified that the project as proposed would likely have significant environmental impacts requiring that an EIS would be required, and directed the Petitioner to prepare and file an EISPN with the State Office of Environmental Quality Control (OEQC) that will begin the public review process for this proposed project.

On August 30, 2018, Petitioner simultaneously filed its Draft EIS (“DEIS”) with the State OEQC and the Commission for publication in the next Environmental Notice.

On April 1, 2019, Petitioner simultaneously filed its Final EIS (“FEIS”) with the State OEQC and the Commission for publication in the next Environmental Notice.  This began a 30-day period for public review and LUC action.  (The Petitioner’s FEIS can be accessed below from the link under Petitioner Filings – Petitioner’s Final EIS).

On October 10, 2019, Intervenor Hui O Pikoiloa filed their Petition to Intervene.

On November 21, 2019, the Commission granted Hui O Pikoiloa petition to intervene and become a party to the proceedings.

The Commission began a hearing on this docket for January 22, 2020.  Due to the current world-wide health crisis, the Commission suspended action till holding a videoconference meeting on May 6, 2020 to extend decision-making for an additional 90 days.

On June 9-10, 2020 the Commission continued the hearing on this docket.  The hearing was conducted using virtual conference technology and the Zoom Webinar platform.

On July 22-23, 2020, and August 12, 2020 the Commission continued the hearing on this docket via virtual conference technology and the Zoom Webinar platform and concluded the evidentiary hearing portion of the proceedings on August 12th .

Closing arguments were scheduled for September 23-24, 2020 via virtual conference technology and the Zoom Webinar platform and the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision and Order for this docket was issued and mailed to the Parties on October 13, 2020.

Stipulated Agreement for Motion to Extend Time for Decision-Making An Additional Ninety Days – Petitioner, OP and Intervenor signatures (4/20/2020)

Stipulated Agreement for Motion to Extend Time for Decision-Making An Additional Ninety Days – All Parties signed (DPP submitted via email 4/29/2020)

LUC Notices and OrdersPetitioner FilingState Office of Planning & Sustainable Development (OPSD) FilingsCity & County of Honolulu FilingsIntervenor FilingsPublic CommentsCorrespondence

Decision & Orders

LUC ORDER Determining (1) That the Land Use Commission Agrees to be the Accepting Authority Pursuant to Chapter 343, Hawai`i Revised Statutes; and, (2) That the Proposed Action May Have a Significant Impact Upon the Environment to Warrant Proceeding Directly to the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement; and Certificate of Service (11/30/2017)

LUC ORDER Findings of Fact-Conclusions of Law-Decision and Order Accepting Petitioner’s Final Environmental Impact Statement (4/26/2017)

LUC ORDER Granting Hui O Pikoiloa Petition to Intervene in Hawaiian Memorial Life Plan, Ltd.’s Petition for Land Use District Boundary Amendment (12/13/2019)

LUC Pre-hearing order to Parties and Intervenor (12/03/2019)

Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision and Order (10/13/2020)



November 21, 2017: Agenda  |  Minutes

April 23, 2019: Agenda  |  Minutes

November 20 & 21, 2019: Agenda  |  Minutes 11/20/19  |  Minutes 11/21/19

Notice of Hearing- November 21, 2019 (Lt. Governor filing) (10/15/2019)

Notice of Hearing- November 21, 2019 (with LUC) (10/15/2019)

January 22, 2020: Agenda | Minutes | Transcript

Notice of Hearing- January 22,2020 (01/14/2020)

May 6, 2020: Agenda | Minutes | Transcript | YouTube

June 9-10, 2020: Agenda | Minutes (JUN 09): Transcript | YouTube (JUN 10): Transcript | YouTube

July 22-23, 2020Agenda | Minutes (JUL 22): Transcript | YouTube (JUL 23): Transcript | YouTube

August 12-13, 2020: Agenda | Minutes (AUG 12): Transcript | YouTube (AUG 13): Transcript | YouTube

September 23-24, 2020:  Agenda | Minutes | (SEP 23): Transcript | YouTube (SEP 24): Transcript | YouTube

October 07-08, 2020: Agenda | Minutes | (OCT 07): Transcript | YouTube (OCT 08): Transcript | YouTube

Certificate of Service to Include HUI O PIKOILOA (12/13/2017)

Petitioner’s Motion to Designate the Land Use Commission as Approving Authority for Environmental Statement Under HRS Chapter 343 and for Authority to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Notice (“EISPN”) (11/13/2017)

Petition for Land Use District Boundary Amendment and Exhibits 1-5 (11/13/2017)

Exhibit 1 – Regional Location Map

Exhibit 2 – Land Tax Key Parcel Description and Metes and Bounds Map

Petitioner’s Description Parcel 1 (Conservation to Urban) Dated 10/26/17 (rcvd 11/14/17)

State Land Use Urban Boundary Affecting Lot 1 TMK (1) 4-5-033:001 Dated 10/26/17 (rcvd 11/14/17)

Exhibit 3 – Land Tax Key Plat Map

Exhibit 4 – Property Title Report

Exhibit 5 – Hawaii Memorial Park Expansion Project EISPN plus Public Notice & Certificate of Service

Pages 1 to 1-7 , 1-8 to  2-4, 2-5 to 3-5, 3-6 to 3-14, 3-15 to 4-3, 5-1 to 6-2, 6-3 to 8-2

Affidavit of Service, Affidavit of Sending of Notice, COS


Petitioner’s Draft EIS

8/30/18 -DEIS Transmittal Letter

Petitioner’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement (“DEIS”) filed August 30, 2018

Public Comments received by LUC on DEIS


Petitioner’s Final EIS (Exhibit 6)

Petitioner’s First Amendment to Petition for Land Use District Boundary Amendment (05/10/2019) (Exhibit 6-7 attached)

Petitioner’s Supplemental Affidavit of Sending First Amendment Notification of Petitioner Filing and COS (05/13/2019)

Petitioner’s Second Amendment to Petition for Land Use District Boundary Amendment (06/19/2019) (Exhibits 8, 9 and 10 attached)

Petitioner’s Memorandum re: Petition to Intervene; COS (10/22/2019)


Petitioner’s Additional Filings of List of Witnesses, Exhibits 23-43, Amended Lists, List of Rebuttal Witnesses, List of Rebuttal Exhibits, Exhibits 44-53

Petitioner’s List of Witnesses and Exhibits (12/09/2019)

Petitioner’s First Amended  List of Exhibits, Exhibits 23-43 (Exhibit 30 is a separate book with Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 of Petition forms (12/23/19)

Petitioner’s List of Rebuttal Witnesses, List of Rebuttal Exhibits, Exhibits 44-53,and COS (01/06/2020)

Petitioner’s:  1) Supplemental List of Exhibits and 2) Exhibits 54-58 (05/06/2020)

Petitioner’s Second Supplemental List of Exhibits and Exhibit 59; COS (06/08/2020)

Petitioner Filings – June 19, 2020 (06/19/2020)

Petitioner’s Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision and Order (08/26/2020)

Petitioner’s Objections to Intervenor’s Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision and Order (09/04/2020)

Petitioner’s Rebuttal to Intervenors’ Comments and Objections to Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision and Order, Filed September 4, 2020 (09/09/2020)

Petitioner’s Memorandum re: New Conditions (09/28/2020)

Uncertified Notice of Imposition of Conditions by the Land Use Commission which was recorded on October 20, 2020. (10/22/2020)

Uncertified Notice of Declaration of Conditions; Exhibit “1” which was recorded on December 7, 2020 with the Bureau of Conveyances (12/07/2020)

A17-804 Declaration of Conditions Certified (12/28/2020)

Petitioner Letter to LUC Petitioners Representation (08/16/2022)

Hui O Pikiloa – Petition to Intervene (10/10/2019)

Notice of Intent to Intervene (12/11/2017) filed by Hui O Pikoiloa

Position Statement (12/09/2019)

Witness List (12/09/2019)

Exhibit List (12/09/2019)

Exhibit 1  Petition to Save Kaneohe Conservation Land from Graveyard Expansion

Exhibit 2  Petition to STOP Hawaiian Memorial Park Expansion

Exhibit 3  Dr. Dana L. Alden – Curriculum Vitae

Exhibit 4  Winston Welch – Resume

Exhibit 5  Nathan Yuen – Resume

Exhibit 6  Dr. Steven Businger – Curriculum Vitae

Exhibit 7  Councilmember Kim Pine Letter dated September 4, 2019

Exhibit 8  DLNR-DOFAW comments on DEIS dated October 31, 2018

Exhibit 9  Dr. M. Lee Goff – Curriculum Vitae

Exhibit 10 Federal Register dated September 18, 2012 re:  Hawaiian Damselfly listing

Exhibit 11 John L. Higham, C.E. – Resume

Exhibit 12 Hawaii Business News article The Cost of Dying dated October 31, 2015

Exhibit 13 MoneyWatch article “A Buried Problem at Country’s Top Funeral Home Chain?” dated March 6, 2017

Exhibit 14 Kenneth Middleton – Resume

Intervenor Hui O Pikoiloa Witness List and Witness Written Direct Testimony (12/23/2019)

Intervenor Rebuttal Revised Witness Testimony #3, COS (01/06/2020)

Intervenor’s Amended List of Exhibits, Exhibit 15, COS (06/08/2020)

Intervenor’s Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision and Order (08/26/2020)

A17-804 Intervenor Comments and Objections to Proposed FOFCOLD&O (09/04/2020)

A17-804 Intervenor’s Comments on Objections (09/09/2020)

Public Testimony received September 24, 2020- Neil Frazer

Public Testimony received September 22, 2020- Chris Delaunay- Pacific Resource Partnership

Public Testimony received September 19-22, 2020

  1. Pane Meatoga III – Hawaii Operating Engineers Industry Stabilization Fund (9/22/2020)
  2. Joy Kimura- Hawaii Laborers & Employers Cooperation and Education Trust Fund (9/22/2020)
  3. Ko`olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club (9/22/20)
  4. Justin Soriano 9/21/20
  5. Marcelinda Soriana 9/21/20
  6. Gloria Ariagaran 9/21/20
  7. Merlie N. Wilmeth 9/21/20
  8. Tim Deegan 9/21/20
  9. Bonnie Deegan (Brookfield) 9/21/20
  10. Michael Deegan 9/21/20
  11. Barbara Zeisel 9/21/20
  12. Mo Radke 9/21/20
  13. Cindy Suzuki 9/21/20
  14. Debra Stephenson 9/21/20
  15. Dean Hazama 9/20/20
  16. Mahealani Cypher 9/19/20

Public Testimony received July 24, 2020 – Lorraine Minatoishi

Public Testimony received July 23, 2020 – Glenn Miyasato

Public Testimony received July 20, 2020 – Gary Gray

Public Testimony received July 6, 2020 – Nick Drance (7/6/2020)

Public Testimony received June 24, 2020 – Ryan Kobayashi (Hawai`i Laborer’ Union), Erin Yamashita

Public Testimony received June 23, 2020 – Robert O’Conner

Public Testimony received between June 22-23, 2020 – Pane Meatoga III (HI Operating Engineers), Kera Wong-Miyasato, Alec Wong-Miyasato, Kalma Wong, Teresa Chao, Kathleen O`Malley, Paulette Tam

Public Testimony received June 19, 2020 -Senator Jarrett Keohokalole survey

Public Testimony received June 16, 2020 – Vanita Rae Smith

Public Testimony  received June 9, 2020 – Richard & Donna Perkins, Lokahi Cuban, Mililani Group, Inc. (Eadean M. Buffington), Sarah Houghtailing

Public Testimony received June 8, 2020 – Joy Kimura, Cheryl Tyler

Public Testimony received between June 6-7, 2020 – Kathleen O’Malley, Timothy Deegan, Scot Z. Matayoshi,  Bronson Azama, Vanita Rae Smith, and Rene Mansho.

Public Testimony received June 5, 2020 – Patrick Pollard

Public Testimony received June 4, 2020 – Shaun McCreedy

Public Testimony received June 4, 2020 – Pacific Resource Partnership (Christopher Delaunay)

Public Testimony received June 3, 2020 – Karen Galut

Public Testimony received May 28, 2020

Public Testimony submitted at LUC meeting January 22, 2020- Peter & Bella Swenson. DLNR Aha Moku Advisory Committee- Leimana DaMarc

Public Testimony retrieved January 21, 2020

Gretchen Gould, Annette Kaohelauli, Faye and Kenneth Luke, Ko`olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club (Leialoha Kaluhiwa sent by Mehealani Cypher), Hawaii Construction Alliance- Nathaniel Kinney, State of Hawaii Rep. Scot Matayoshi, Hawaii’s Thousand Friends

Public Testimony received January 17, 2020 – Christopher Delaunay (Pacific Resource Partnership)

Public Testimony received January 16, 2020 – Drusilla Tanaka, Joy Kimura (Hawaii Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust)

Public Testimony received December 10, 2019 – Corey Ing

Public Testimony received 11/27/2019 – Heily Hacoba

Public Testimony received 11/21/2019 – Christopher Yamada, Jack Perreira, and Maximus Hudson

Public Testimony received 11/18/2019 – Ho`onua Tavares and Jonah Gilbert

Public Testimony received 11/15/2019 – Tyson Okamura, Jaron Ho`okano Ward, Destiny Clemente, and Braven Brown

Kathleen O`Malley 11/12/2019

Public Comments on EISPN

Public Comments received by LUC on DEIS