Completed DBA Maui County
Dockets are organized by decade and then by year within each decade. The two-digit number following the “A” in the docket number corresponds to the year the docket was filed.
We are still in transition converting our old docket files to a digital format. If you don’t find a docket file you are looking for by following the links below, please contact our staff at 808-587-3822.
A10-787 Maui R&T Partners, LLC
A10-789 A&B Properties, Inc. (Waiale)
A11-792 Dept. of Housing and Human Concerns, County of Maui/Lānaʻi Affordable Housing Project
A11-794 State of Hawaiʻi, Department of Education (Kīhei High School)
A12-795 West Maui Land Company LLC, INC. – Kahoma Residential LLC
A12-796 Waiko Industrial Investment, LLC
A13-797 CMBY 2011 Investment, LLC
A03-740 Maui Land & Pineapple Co, Inc. (PDF) 12/12/2003
A03-741 Maui Land & Pineapple Company, Inc. nka SMC Mahana LLC
A04-746 Waikapu 28 Investment, LLC.
A04-748 Consolidated Baseyards, LLC.
A04-750 Spencer Homes, Inc. (PDF) 10/01/2004
A04-751 Maui Land & Pineapple Company, Inc.
A04-754 Maui Lani 100, LLC
(Maui Lani Village Center, Inc. is Successor in Interest to Maui Lani 100, LLC)
A05-755 Hale Mua Properties, Inc.
A05-756 Kaanapali Development Corp. (PDF) 04/05/2005
A05-760 Pukalani Associates, LLC.
A06-764 Molokaʻi Properties, Ltd. (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 05/24/2006
A06-765 Māʻalaea Properties, LLC, Lodi Development, Inc.
A06-766 Towne Development of Hawaiʻi, Inc., (withdrawn 01/23/2017)
A07-772 A&B Properties, Inc.- Kīhei Residential
A07-773 Emmanuel Lutheran Church of Maui
A90-657 A&B Properties- Kūʻau Residential
A90-658 Amfac/JMB Hawaii, Inc.
(now KLC Land Company, LLC successor by merger and name change)
A90-659 State of Hawaiʻi, Department of Transportation, Airports Division (Lānaʻi)
A90-662 Lānaʻi Resort Partners (Lānaʻi)
A91-663 Maui Land & Pineapple Company, Inc.
A91-671 3521 Corp. (PDF) 01/19/1993
A91-672 C. Brewer Properties, Inc.
A92-674 Lānaʻi Resort Partners (Lānaʻi)
A92-684 Department of Transportation, State of Hawaiʻi (PDF) 04/07/2000
A92-686 AMFAC Property Investment Corp. & HFDC
A93-689 Honuaʻula Partners, LLC
BR94-709 Office of State Planning, State of Hawaiʻi
A94-710 West Maui Venture Group
BR94-713 Office of State Planning, State of Hawaiʻi
A97-722 Maui Electric Company, Limited
A98-723 A&B Properties, Inc. aka Hāliʻimaile Residential
A98-724 Stanford S. Carr Development Corporation (PDF) 12/09/1998
A80-479 Frances H. Lindsey (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 09/19/1980
A80-480 Maui 100 Partners (PDF) 11/24/1980
A80-483 A&B Properties, Inc. (PDF) 05/15/1981
A80-490 Christy T. Mamiya
A80-491 Paradise Developers, Inc. (PDF) 08/03/1981
A80-493 M/M William Aki; M/M John Wilkerson (PDF) 03/30/1981
A80-499 Clifford Joseph Soares, (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 05/08/1981
A81-511 Maui Land & Pineapple Company, Inc. (PDF) 07/12/1982
A81-514 Pukalani Heights Associates
A81-517 Paradise Developers, Inc. (PDF) 07/12/1982
A81-520 Cooke Land Company, Inc. (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 09/15/1982
A82-528 Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. (PDF) 12/03/1982
A82-532 Molokaʻi Electric Company, Ltd. (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 02/04/1983
A82-533 Adeline R. Franco and Flora R. Tavares (PDF) 02/04/1983
A82-536 Haleakalā Ranch Company (PDF) 08/12/1983
A82-537 Wailea Development Company (PDF) 05/10/1983
A82-538 Department of Planning & Economic Development, State of Hawaiʻi (PDF) 05/27/1983
A82-542 Kalua Koʻi Corporation (Molokaʻi)
A82-543 The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi (PDF) 07/22/1983
A83-545 Stanley G. Friel (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 07/22/1983
A83-547 Richard T. Tajiri & Helen H. Kawahara (PDF) 12/08/1983
A83-555 Royal Hawaiian Airways
A84-565 Hana Ranch Inc. (PDF) 02/04/1985
A84-568 Maud Van Cortlandt Hill Schroll Trust (Molokaʻi)
A84-569 Department of Planning & Economic Development, State of Hawaiʻi (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 02/28/1985
A84-576 Haleakalā Greens Corp. (PDF) 12/02/1985
A84-577 Hawaiian Airlines Inc. (PDF) 07/03/1985
A84-584 Edward P. Perreira, (PDF) 08/29/1985
A84-585 Maui Economic Development Board, Inc.
A84-586 Masaaki and Masuyo Doi (PDF) 08/29/1985
A85-596 Mike Resnick, Inc. (PDF) 03/18/1986
A87-615 C. Brewer Properties, Inc. (PDF) 03/16/1988
A87-619 Charles J. Boerner & Charles H. Boerner (PDF) 07/25/1988
A88-626 Genshiro Kawamoto (fka United Realty Inc.)
A88-633 A&B Properties, Inc.
A88-634 Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. (and A03-739) Maui Business Park Phase II
A89-639 C. Brewer Properties, Inc. (PDF) 11/28/1989
A89-642 C. Brewer Properties, Inc.
A89-647 Lānaʻi Resort Partners (Lānaʻi)
A89-649 Lānaʻi Resorts (Lānaʻi)
A70-242 Pukoʻo Properties (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 06/16/1970
A70-250 Maui Land & Pineapple Company, Inc. (PDF) 09/09/1970
A70-254 Department of Accounting & General Services, State of Hawaiʻi (PDF) 11/02/1970
A70-256 Land Use Commission – Molokaʻi (PDF) 12/21/1970
A70-258 Hale Mahaolu & County of Maui (PDF) 03/08/1971
A70-269 County of Maui, (PDF) 05/24/1971
A71-276 Takeo Sakamoto (PDF) 07/19/1971
A71-288 Land Use Commission and County of Maui
A71-291 Unitours, Inc. (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 05/28/1971
A71-293 Hana Ranch, Inc. (PDF) 10/12/1971
A71-294 Ralph S. Yagi (PDF) 03/21/1972
A71-295 Ulupalakua Ranch, Inc. (PDF) 07/19/1971
A71-296 AMFAC Communities, Inc. (PDF) 10/12/1971
A71-298 Department of Accounting & General Services, State of Hawaiʻi (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 01/10/1972
A71-309 Hale Mahaolu & County of Maui (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 04/24/1972
A71-313 Department of Accounting & General Services, State of Hawaiʻi (PDF) 05/05/1972
A71-317 Ernest Louis (PDF) 04/24/1972
A72-332 County of Maui (PDF) 02/23/1973
A72-336 Land Use Commission (Molokaʻi)
A72-346 Walter C. White (PDF) 02/23/1973
A72-349 Lānaʻi Company (Lānaʻi)
A72-352 Sun Investment Company
A73-366 AMFAC Communities Hawaiʻi
A73-368 Department of Accounting & General Services, State of Hawaiʻi
A74-376 Harriet Minami, (Lānaʻi)
A74-377 Samuel M. Peters, (Molokaʻi)
A74-380 Minerva Keawe, (Molokaʻi)
A74-383 Dexter D. Del Rosario, (Lānaʻi)
A74-384 Samuel M. Peters, Sr. (Molokaʻi)
A75-386 AMFAC Community Hawaiʻi
A75-387 Joseph & Helen Hew
A75-388 Henry & Otto S. Meyer (Molokaʻi)
A75-389 Kula Aliʻi Ltd.
A75-391 Richard K.G. Stursberg
A75-396 Benjamin B. & Joeann Silva Hampel
A75-399 Richard K.G. Stursberg (PDF) 04/12/1976
A75-400 Henry R. Meyer, (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 04/15/1976
A75-401 Pioneer Mill Company, Ltd. (PDF) 04/14/1976
A75-405 Kula Aliʻi Ltd. (PDF) 02/16/1977
A75-409 Benjamin B. & Joeann Silva Hampel
A76-415 Pioneer Properties Inc. (PDF) 04/26/1977
A76-416 Edwin T.K. Kam (PDF) 02/16/1977
A77-429 Makawao Inc. (PDF) 08/12/1977
A77-434 Thomas S. Yagi and Theresa M. Yagi (PDF) 02/14/1978
A78-437 Rolph B. Fuhrman & Ulupalakua Ranch, Inc. (PDF) 02/22/1979
A78-442 Mitsugi and Fusako Yamamura (PDF) 03/22/1979
A78-443 Tony Hashimoto, (PDF) 08/31/1979
A78-447 James M. Lowson and Peter Z. Dyck (PDF) 04/07/1980
A79-451 Mahinahina Venture & Richard Stursberg (PDF) 01/17/1980
A79-454 AMFAC, Inc. (PDF) 12/18/1979
A62-001 East Maui Irrigation Company
A62-010 Loyalty Enterprises, Ltd.
A62-011 Frank & Jessie R. Munoz
A62-012 Maui Planning & Traffic Commission
A62-013 Maurice T. Takasaki
A62-016 Cooke Trust Company, Ltd. (Molokaʻi)
A62-022 Ted James,
A62-025 W.C. Jennings,
A62-026 Robert Tobey,
A62-028 Murray Youlin
A62-031 Erret Beck Stephenson,
A63-034 Anthony A. Tam
A63-039 Wendell F. Brooks Sr., (Molokaʻi)
A63-042 Donald H. Tokunaga,
A63-043 Ludvina Almeida,
A63-048 Toshio Ansai
A63-049 Park Engineering, Inc., (Molokaʻi)
A63-053 Walter S.S. Zane
A63-061 Kula Development Company
A64-062 Michael T. Kuwahara
A64-070 Maui Pineapple Company, Inc.
A65-091 George Hasegawa,
A66-110 Estate of Sophie Judd Cooke (Molokaʻi) (PDF) 08/09/1966
A66-113 County of Maui (PDF) 08/30/1966
A66-135 Estate of Sophie Judd Cooke (Molokaʻi)
A66-143 Frank & Bessie Moniz (PDF) 06/21/1967
A66-144 County of Maui (PDF) 06/21/1967
A67-148 Castle & Cooke, Inc. (Lānaʻi) (PDF) 06/21/1967
A67-164 Edwin T. Ige (PDF) 03/04/1968
A67-171 Paul & Martha Gillette
A68-173 Hana Ranch Company, Ltd.
A68-174 Maui Pineapple Company, Ltd. ,
A68-176 Louis F. & Anna W. Phillips
A68-186 Frank L. James
A68-187 AMFAC, Inc.
A68-189 AMFAC, Inc.
A68-190 AMFAC, Inc.
A68-192 Molokaʻi Ranch, Limited (PDF) – (Molokaʻi) 12/03/1968
A68-209 Webb Beggs Jr.
A69-215 Frank Munoz & Donald Hayashi Tokunaga
A69-216 Puaahala Company (Molokaʻi)
A69-221 C. Brewer & Company (PDF)
A69-223 Shin Brothers Foundation (PDF) – (Molokaʻi) 06/19/1990
A69-237 Mary Meade Costa (PDF) – 12/08/1990
A69-242 Pukoʻo Properties, Inc. (Molokaʻi)