A10-786 Olowalu Town
CLOSED (Petitioner requested that Petition for DBA be closed 4/7/16)
The Commission’s Decision & Order on June 22, 2010 acknowledged that the LUC was the appropriate accepting authority for this EIS and that an EIS was warranted. A hearing was held to consider the acceptability of the Final EIS on December 7 and 10, 2015 on Maui. The LUC denied acceptance of the FEIS at this time. The Decision and Order describing the reasons for the denial can be found below under the LUC Notices and Orders section.
The applicant had a couple of different options as to how to proceed. The applicant may have prepared a revised Draft EIS and studies that would then require notice and publication in the Environmental Bulletin with a 45-day comment period; or decided to appeal the LUC’s decision to the State Environmental Council (administered by the Office of Environmental Quality Control (OEQC), State Department of Health) within 60 days of notice of non-acceptance. (The Environmental Council has 30 days to hear any appeal filed by the applicant and notify the applicant of its determination.)
**The Petitioner requested that the Petition for District Boundary Amendment be closed on 4/7/16 (see Petitioner Filing section). The LUC acknowledged their request on 4/8/16.
Petition To amend the Land Use District Boundary of Certain Lands Situated at Olowalu, Island of Maui, State of Hawaii, Consisting of approximately 320 acres from the Agricultural District to the Rural and Urban Districts. Portions of Tax Map Key Nos. (2) 4-8-003:084, 098, 099,100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118 and 124.
Petitioner Request to Close Petition for District Boundary Amendment (4/7/16)
Motion to Extend Acceptance Period For FEIS filed 11/18/15
- Olowalu Town LLC’s letter and exhibits to the Land Use Commission file-stamped November 17, 2015
- Petition & Petitioner’s Exhibits 1-10
- EA/EISPN- Exhibit B (April 2010)
Petitioner’s Affidavit of Mailing Notice; Exhibits “A”-“B”
Petitioner’s Supplemental Affidavit of Service
Correspondence from Petitioner re: Transmittal to OEQC
Correspondence from Petitioner re: RAGON’s letter 3-2-12
Correspondence from Petitioner’s Planner re: Preliminary Draft EIS
Analysis of Final Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Olowalu Town Master Plan LUC Docket No. 10-786
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Olowalu Town Master Plan (Consisting of 4 Volumes)
Public Testimony Received at DEC 7 meeting on Maui
Comments on FEIS
January 16, 2016: John Fitzpatrick
December 2, 2015: Ben Walin, Mark Hyde
December 1, 2015: Jeffrey Milsen, John Helly
November 27, 2015: Dick Mayer
November 24-25, 2015: Lynn/Gary McFarlane, Marcy Martin
November 22, 2015: Dennis Fitzpatrick, Jeff/Sue Anderson
November 19, 2015 (pdf): Alan Brisley, Kelley Janes, Kimmy Sequin
Received at November 18, 2014 LUC meeting on Maui
Other November 18, 2014 correspondence
November 18, 2015 (pdf) Dennis Fitzpatrick, Ray Aspili, Lucienne de Naie, Albert Perez, Joan Dapitan, F. Seneca, Jen Fordyce, Tiare Lawrence
November 17, 2015 (pdf)
November 16, 2015 (pdf) Michael Foley
Nov13-16_2015 (pdf) Donna Brown, David Jenkins, Donna Miller, Angie Bayez of behalf Kai Pelayo, Liz Foote, Liz Foote2, Pauline Fine
November 12, 2015 (pdf)
Order Granting 15 day extension to FEIS acceptance date (11-30-15)
Decision & Order re: LUC accepting authority for EIS 6-22-10
Agenda & Minutes
June 4, 2010: Agenda | Minutes
November 18-19, 2015: Agenda | Minutes 11/18/15 | Minutes 11/19/15
LUC letter to Petitioner acknowledging request to close Petition for District Boundary Amendment (4/8/16)
Letter to OEQC advising of D&O Denying the Acceptance of FEIS dtd 12/11/15
Letter to OEQC advising of 15 day extension
Letter to Petitioner Acknowledging Receipt
Letter to OEQC requesting Environmental Notice Publication dated 2-23-12
Reply Letter from OEQC dated 2-27-12