SP21-412 Mahi Solar
SP21-412 Mahi Solar Project
Mahi Solar, LLC (Petitioner) proposes to construct a 120-megawatt (MW) solar energy generation facility, a 480-megawatt-hour battery energy storage facility to address peak energy demand, and accessory support infrastructure and uses (together referred to as the Project) on 620.0 acres (Petition Area). The Project was selected as part of the Hawaiian Electric Company’s (HECO) Stage 2 renewable energy projects. The contract with HECO is expected to last 25 years with an option to extend 10 years for a total Project operational life of 35 years. The time period for the Special Use Permit (SUP) will include two years for permitting and construction and another two years for decommissioning of the Project at the end of the operational life, for a total of 39 years.
The Petition Area (Exhibit 1) is spread across five general Project areas (Areas 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) which currently are configured in the initial Project design as 12 non-contiguous solar array areas (SAAs) [1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3, 4A, 4B, 4C (two sites), and 5 9three sites)]. The Project will primarily consist of roughly 370,000 ground-mounted photovoltaic (PC) panels installed on 4,300 single-axis trackers aligned in a north-south direction. The trackers will rotate in order to follow the sun during the day to maximize solar exposure.
The Commission heard the Petition on September 9, 2021, and held an Adoption of Order hearing on September 17, 2021.
Findings of Facts, Conclusions of Law, Decision and Order, Certificate of Service (09/17/2021)
Agenda & Minutes
September 08-09, 2021: Agenda | Minutes | YouTube 09/08 | YouTube 09/09
September 17, 2021: Agenda | Minutes | YouTube
Special Use Permit Application (08/06/2021)
Exhibit 1 / Exhibit 2 / Exhibit 3 / Exhibit 4 / Exhibit 5 / Exhibit 6 / Exhibit 7 / Exhibit 8 / Exhibit 9 / Exhibit 10 / Exhibit 11 / Exhibit 12 / Exhibit 13 / Exhibit 14 / Exhibit 15 / Exhibit 16 (Part 1) / Exhibit 16 (Part 2) / Exhibit 17 / Exhibit 18 / Exhibit 19 / Exhibit 20 / Exhibit 21 / Exhibit 22 / Exhibit 23 / Exhibit 24 / Exhibit 25 / Exhibit 26 / Exhibit 27 / Exhibit 28 (Part 1) / Exhibit 28 (Part 2) / Exhibit 29 / Exhibit 30 / Exhibit 31 / Exhibit 32 / Exhibit 33 / Exhibit 34 / Exhibit 35 / Exhibit 36
State Historic Preservation Division Letter (09/09/2021)
OPSD Recommendation letter to LUC (09/07/2021)
09/03/2021: (4) Hawaii State Energy Office, Ulupono Initiative, Department of Agriculture: Testimony and Recommendations
09/07/2021: (2) Pacific Resource Partnership, Hawaiian Electric