City & County IAL


On May 26-27, 2021, the Commission suspended hearings on the City & County of Honolulu’s (“County”) Important Agricultural Lands (“IAL”) Recommendations until legal guidance was received by Attorney General.  At the October 21, 2021, meeting, the Commission voted to make the legal opinion of the Attorney General public (see link below)

A continuation of these hearings was noticed for January 5-6, 2022, to determine whether the County followed all procedural requirements in its submittal of IAL recommendations to the Commission.  The Commission did not be making any findings or decisions about individual properties.

The Commission voted to return the IAL Petition to the County for further action consistent with HRS Chapter 205 and ordered that the Department of Planning and Permitting (“DPP”) of the City and County of Honolulu’s Recommendation of Important Agricultural Lands on April 6, 2021, pursuant to Hawai’i Revised Statutes (“HRS”)§§ 205 Part III, and Hawai’i Administrative Rules (“HAR”) chapter 15-15-125, to designate as Important Agricultural Lands (“IAL”) be rejected and returned to the DPP for further action consistent with HRS 205.

The Commission issued a Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision and Order Denying the City and County of Honolulu’s Petition to Designate Important Agricultural Land (“IAL”) on June 30, 2022.

The matter was appealed to the Circuit Court (case# 1CCV-22-0000902) and no decision has been rendered on it yet.

Please check our Home Page under Events Calendar to see the historical meeting agenda and links for our past Zoom meetings.


City & County of Honolulu FilingsPublic CommentsState Office of Planning & Sustainable Development (OPSD) FilingsState Department of Agriculture FilingsLUC MaterialsCorrespondenceLUC Notice & OrdersCIVIL NO. 1CCV-22-0000902

Jump drive received from City & County IAL Recommendations (08/29/2019)

Exhibit A – IAL Recommendations Map
Exhibit B – IAL Recommendations Tax Map Key (TMK) List

Pages 1-54
Figure 4.1 Study Area
Figure 4.2 Recommended IAL islandwide
Figure 4.3 Recommended IAL Central O`ahu
Figure 4.4 Recommended IAL `Ewa
Figure 4.5 Recommended IAL Wai`anae
Figure 4.6 Recommended IAL North Shore
Figure 4.7 Recommended IAL Ko`olau Loa
Figure 4.8 Recommended IAL Ko`olau Poko
Pages 71-81 and Appendix A (HRS Chapter 205)
Appendix B Technical Advisory Committee Meetings and Roster
Appendices C-F (Focus Group, Community Meetings, Landowner and Public Comments)
Appendix G Criteria Weighting Methodology
Figure 4.11 Composite Map of 3 Highest Ranked Criteria
Figure 4.13 Composite Map of 4 Highest Ranked Criteria
Appendix H – TMKs Recommended for IAL Designation

City and County Communication 390 (04/21/2021) Broken into 9 parts due to file size

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
Reduced Opt CC390

C &C of HNL Recommendation of Important Agricultural Lands (04/21/2021)

C&C of HNL Errata to CC&C of HNL’s Recommendation of Important Agricultural Lands, COS (04/27/2021)

Files received on 04/29/2021

Landowner Notice and Map of Proposed IAL 12/2016
Postcard Reply
Final Landowner Exclusion Notice-1
Final Landowner Inclusion Notice-2 Nov 2017

C&C Supplemental Brief to its Recommendation of Important Agricultural Lands (12/29/21)


Public testimony received can be accessed by following the Public Comment link above.

DOA Comments on City’s IAL Petition dated February 10, 2021

ORI (6/14/21)

Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision and Order Denying the City and County of Honolulu’s Petition to Designate Important Agricultural Land (“IAL”) (6/30/2022)


LUC Public Notice of Meetings – April 12, 2021

LUC Public Notice of Meetings – December 13, 2021


Agenda & Minutes

February 10-11, 2021: Agenda  |  Minutes

April 28-29, 2021: Agenda  |  Minutes

May 26, 2021: Agenda  |  Minutes

October 21, 2021: Agenda  |  Minutes

January 5-6, 2022:  Agenda | Minutes | YouTube 01/05 | YouTube 01/06