SP90-374 Richard Smart Trust dba Parker Ranch – 2018 Motion to Amend


The Richard Smart Trust dba Parker Ranch submitted a request for a State Special Permit to conduct quarrying operations on a 91.827 acre parcel in Waikoloa, South Kohala, island of Hawaiʻi, in 1989.  That request was granted in March 1990, subject to 11 conditions of approval.  Applicant requested, in November 1999, an expansion of the quarrying operation to 143.48 acres and amendment to conditions 3, 7, 10, and 11 of the original approval Decision and Order.  That request was granted in May 2000.


The current applicant, PR Mauna Kea, LLC, has requested an amendment to Condition 7 (Life of Special Permit) of the May 2000 Decision and Order.  The Hawaiʻi County Leeward Planning Commission (PC) has held a hearing on the matter on June 21, 2018.  The Leeward PC approved the request to amend Condition 7 to extend the quarry operations until 2037 and deletion of two other conditions.  The State Land Use Commission (LUC) received notification of the Leeward PC’s action on July 11, 2018 (see below).  A hearing will be scheduled on the matter once the LUC receives a copy of the full record of the Leeward PC’s action.  The LUC will then have 45 days in which to hold its hearing and render a decision.

LUC Notices and OrdersLeeward Planning Commission FilingState Office of Planning & Sustainable Development (OPSD) FilingsCounty of Hawaii Filings

Transmittal of files provided by the Leeward Planning Commission (08/20/2018)

County Planning Response Letter to PR Mauna Kea LLC dated September 8, 2017

Leeward Planning Commission Approval Letter and Findings dated July 10, 2018

2018 Cover letter to Special Permit Application requesting Amendment to Condition No. 7 (8/20/18)

Special Permit No. 724 (LUC Docket No: SP90-374)
Applicant: PR Mauna Kea LLC
Request: Amendment to Condition No. 7 (Life of Special Permit) Tax Map Key: 6-7-001:034 (formerly


    1. 03/23/2018  Letter from Katherine A. Garson Esq., Carlsmith Ball LLP requesting amendment  to Condition No. 7 of Land Use Commission (LUC) Docket No. SP90-374 County of Hawai’i  (COH) Special Permit No. 724 (SPP 724)
    2. 04/04/2018  Planning Department (PD) Chapter 343 Review Checklist
    3. 04/04/2018 Planning Commission (PC) Application Intake Form
    4. 04/06/2018 Letter from Steven S.C. Lim Esq., Carlsmith Ball LLP to Daniel Orodenker, Executive Officer and Michael Yee, Planning Director transmitting 2017 Annual Monitoring Report
    5. 04/11/2018 Letter to Katherine A. Garson, Esq., Carlsmith Ball LLP from PD acknowledging amendment request to Special Permit No. 724
    6. 04/11/2018 PD Memorandum to agencies for review/comment of amendment request to special permit
    7. 04/11/2018 Letter from Katherine A. Garson Esq., Carlsmith Ball LLP to PD transmitting filing fee of $250.00 for amendment request
    8. 04/13/2018 Letter from Katherine Y. Luga, Carlsmith Ball LLP to PD enclosing Affidavit of Sign Posting
    9. 04/13/2018 Department of Environmental Management (DEM) Solid Waste and Wastewater Division comments
    10. 04/20/2018 Police Department comments
    11. 04/24/2018 State of Hawai’i, Department of Health (DOH) comments
    12. 05/07/2018 Letter to Katherine A. Garson, Esq., Carlsmith Ball LLP from PD enclosing public hearing notice for 6/21/18 Leeward Planning Commission (LPC) hearing
    13. 05/08/2018 Department of Public Works (DPW) Engineering Division comments
    14. 05/09/2018 State of Hawai’i, Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Engineering Division comments
    15. 05/09/2018 Fire Department comments
    16. 05/09/2018 State of Hawai’i, Office of Planning (OP) comments
    17. 05/11/2018 State of Hawai’i DLNR Land Division – Hawaii District comments
    18. 05/17/2018 Department of Water Supply (DWS) comments
    19. 05/29/2018 Letter from Katherine A. Garson, Esq. Carlsmith Ball LLP to R. Tsuji DLNR, J. O’Connor Police, W. Kucharski DEM, L. Asuncion OP and DPW­ Engineering, response to agency comments
    20. 05/31/2018 Letter from Katherine A. Garson Esq., Carlsmith Ball LLP to PD enclosing Affidavit of Mailing
    21. 06/01/2018 Letter from Katherine A. Garson, Esq., Carlsmith Ball LLP to Keith K. Okamoto, DWS in response to agency comments
    22. 06/07/2018 PD Memorandum to Earl Yamamoto, Department of Agriculture (DOA) transmit amendment request for comments
    23. 06/08/2018 PD Background Report
    24. 06/08/2018 PD Recommendation Report
    25. 06/12/2018 Letter from Katherine A. Garson Esq., Carlsmith Ball LLP to Eric Honda, State of Hawai’i DOH in response to agency comments
    26. 06/12/2018 Email from Katherine A. Garson, Esq., Carlsmith Ball LLP to Christian Kay, Planner PD enclosing Final Plat Map for SUB 17-001692, Revised map and Amended & Restated Affidavit of Miles S. Horie
    27. 06/12/2018 Letter from Katherine A. Garson, Esq., Carlsmith Ball LLP to Darren J. Rosario, Fire Department in response to agency comments
    28. 06/13/2018 Email from Katherine A. Garson, Esq., Carlsmith Ball LLP to Christian Kay, Planner PD enclosing photos of structures on PR Mauna Kea Property
    29. 06/14/2018 Email to Steven S.C. Lim Esq., Katherine A. Garson Esq. form Melissa Dacayanan, PD transmitting copy of PD Recommendation Report and link to PD Background Report
    30. 06/18/2018 Written Direct Testimony of Juliann Nahulani Guilloz
    31. 06/18/2018 Written Direct Testimony of Jason E. Macy
    32. 06/19/2018 Email from Earl J. Yamamoto, State of Hawai’i DOA to Rachelle Ley, PD transmitting State of Hawai’i DOA agency comments
    33. 06/20/2018 Email to Steven S. C. Lim Esq. and Katherine A. Garson Esq. from Melissa Dacayanan, PD transmitting State of Hawai’i DOA agency comments
    34. 06/21/2018 PD PowerPoint Presentation at LPC June 21, 2018 hearing
    35. 06/21/2018 Leeward Planning Commission (LPC) hearing transcript for Junation at LPC June 21, 2018 hearing 21, 2018 hearing
    36. 06/21/2018 LPC Record of Voting for June 21, 2018
    37. 07/10/2018 Letter to Katherine A. Garson, Esq., Carlsmith Ball LLP from LPC Re: Favorable recommendation to State Land Use Commission

County’s July 10, 2018 Letter Replacement to correct non-substantive errors made to conditions that already existed (No corrections made to the condition requested to be amended by the applicant)