DR21-73 Honoipu Hideaway, LLC
Honoipu Hideaway, LLC
Petition for Boundary Interpretation for certain land consisting of approximately 17.5470 acres situated at 56-102 Old Coast Guard Road, Tax Map Key No. (3) 5-6-001-074, Kapaa-Upolu, North Kohala, County of Hawai’i, State of Hawai’i.
On June 25, 2021, the LUC received a Petition for Declaratory Order for Boundary Interpretation and held a hearing on this matter on December 23, 2021. An LUC order denying the Petition for Declaratory Order was executed on February 28, 2022.
Petition for Declaratory Order for Boundary Interpretation, Verification of Petition, Exhibits 1-26, COS (06/25/2021)
Petitioner’s Exhibit List, Exhibits 1-32 (12/06/2021)
Petitioner’s Supplemental Exhibit List; Exhibits 33-34, COS (12/16/2021)
Petitioner’s Supplemental Exhibit List; Exhibits 35-38, COS (12/22/2021)
Petitioner’s Third Supplemental Exhibit List; Exhibit 39; COS (12/22/2021)
LUC correspondence to Petitioner (10/26/2020)
2001 Survey Map (10/26/2020)
Petitioner Correspondence re: Boundary Interpretation dated (10/27/2020)
LUC Errata Letter dated September 15, 2021 (09/15/2021)
Petitioner Response to Errata Letter dated October 11, 2021 (10/11/2021)
Received on 12/20/2021