
This matter has previously been decided upon and the past information on this docket can be found in the “Completed Dockets” section of this website.  The 2023 status report was held to provide the Commission with the latest information on the progress of the construction of the school and how the obligations associated with this Decision and Order are being met.  Watch the February 9, 2023, meeting recording on YouTube.

Petitioner FilingLand Use Commission (LUC) FilingsState Office of Planning & Sustainable Development (OPSD) FilingsCounty of Maui FilingsPublic CommentsLUC Notices and Orders

Kulanihakoi High School Slide Deck for 02-09-2023 (02/06/2023)

Slide Deck Insert (02/09/2023)

(Insert given to Commission at hearing with hard copy of slide deck)

02/03/2023: Staff Report

No filings received at this time.

01/13/2023: (1) KCA Communication

01/23/2023: (2) Buck Joiner, Mark Hyde

01/26/2023: (1) Buck Joiner

02/01/2023: (3) Madolin Wells, Michele Muir White, Randy Wagner

02/03/2023: (3) Dino Goossens-Larsen, Patricia Stillwell, Gary M. Reiss

02/06/2023: (4) Ann Schultz, Markus Eager, Jennifer Stephens, John Fitzpatrick

02/07/2023: (50) Annette Schmidt, Craig, James Goossens Larsen, KCA, Lisa Morrison, Rebecca Hill, Sunlight Montessori Email, Tanya Gabriel, Troy and Diana Jones, Jenna Tate, Helen Dale Alioto, Lynda L Norman, Jodi Orosz, Jay Willson, Andrew Beerer, Aaliyah Bates, Aly, Angelina Griffin, Chris, Asaad, Ariel Swenson, He’e Coalition, Enzo De Alencar, Enzo De Alencar, Hezekiah Melendez Avilla, Madolin Wells, Cheyenne Gorman, Issac Burdick, Jonathan Palencia, Justin Stephens, Kamailemua Schillace, Kainalu Tavares Ramirez, Maya, Ricky MandelReanna FergusonPopsie Bermejo, Nakela Auld Rodrigues, Savannah Nolen Fogarty, Christina Monsour, Chacelen Wong, Lauren Lott, Dennis Johnson, Tahitoa Viernes, Pedro Deus, Jeenna Canche, Slater Watt, Tyler Sammon, Madeleine Kolodziej-1, Adrian R. Fourie, Madeleine Kolodziej-2

02/08/2023: (18) Cindy Williams, Shere-khan J. Smoot, Matthew Gurewitsch, Craig Stephens, Ritchilda Yasana, Dawn Stephens, Mitsue Okamura Eldredge, Roxana Hollifield, Roxana Hollifield2, Sandra Brissette, Scott Ferguson, Charlie Brissette, Maikela KM Auld-Rodrigues, Valerie and Mike Gobel, Hope Melendez, Theresa Tiwari, Patricia Stillwell, Afaf Abdel Hadi

02/09/2023: (3) Cambria Moss, Nicole Meadows, Hillary Watt, Buck Joiner (submitted at meeting)

02/10/2023: (1) Andrew Beerer

02/21/2023: (1) Buck Joiner

Agenda & Minutes

February 8-9, 2023:  Agenda | Minutes | YouTube 02/09