SP15-405 WAIPIO PV, LLC – Application for State Special Use Permit


The applicant, Waiawa PV, LLC proposes to establish a 47-megawatt solar energy facility and accessory uses and structures on Class B lands as rated by the Land Study Bureau.  The 313-acre project exceeds the maximum area permitted by Act 55, and therefore requires a special use permit,


City & County of Honolulu Planning Commission completed Public Hearing and submitted complete record to the LUC on January 26, 2015.  The Land Use Commission heard the Special Permit request on March 5 and March 25, 2015.

LUC Notices and OrdersPetitioner FilingState Office of Planning & Sustainable Development (OPSD) FilingsCity & County of Honolulu Filings

SP15-405 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Decision & Order (03/25/15) Exhibit A map


Agenda & Minutes

March 05, 2015: Agenda  |  Minutes
March 25, 2015: Agenda  |  Minutes

Applicant’s Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order Based on the Record of the Planning Commission of the City and County of Honolulu (filed 2/19/15)

Applicant’s Notification and Documentation of Name Change filed February 27, 2015

DPP report re: Request for a Special Use Permit to Establish a Solar Energy Facility- Waiawa, Central Oahu TMK:9-5-003: Portion 4

Revised index and two documents that were omitted from the compact disc (but were included in the hard copy set of the record)- Exhibit 14 – State Public Utilities Comment Letter and Exhibit 21, letter from Carlsmith Ball, LLP notifying the PC of their intent to file additional exhibits and other materials to the PC and letter to the DPP requesting consideration in changing the time frame of operation for the project.


OP Comments (02/26/15)