A87-610 Kamehameha Schools (successor petitioner to Gentry Waiawa)
Letter to the Parties to replace page 11 of the Decision & Order granting the Motion to Amend FOF COL D&O dated 5/17/18 to correct number of ayes received to grant the Motion to Amend- mailed 12/1/14
Agenda Notices:
Petitioner Correspondence & Filing to Satisfy Condition #9, (filed 10-2-15)
Motion to Amend Decision & Order (pdf) dated May 17, 1988 Exhibits 1-18
First Stipulation of the Parties Setting Forth Filing Schedule: COS
Successor Petitioner First List of Witnesses, COS
Successor Petitioner First List of Exhibits, KS Exhibits 19-34, KS Exhibit 8 (Errata), and Successor Petitioner’s LIst of Rebuttal Witnesses, COS Errata Exhibit 8 and Exhibits 19-34
Successor Petitioner’s Attachment A to KS Exhibit 35 (replacement)
Successor Petitioner’s Proposed FOF COL D&O. COS
Successor Petitioner’s Stipulation to Proposed FOF COL D&O; COS