A89-646 Queen Lili`uokalani Trust Motion to Modify
In 1989, the Queen Lili`uokalani Trust (QLT) filed a petition to amend the district boundaries from the Conservation and Agricultural Districts to the Urban District in Keahuolū, Kona, island of Hawai`i, for Tax Map Key(s) (3) 7-4-08: 002 (portion) and 012 (portion). The LUC approved the petition by decision and order dated August 28, 1991.
On Friday August 14, 2015 Petitioner, Queen Lili`uokalani Trust (QLT) filed a Motion requesting modification of the LUC’s Decision and Order in Docket A89-646. The Motion will be heard on March 23-24, 2016 in Kona, Hawai`i. See LUC Calendar for meeting agenda.
Petitioner Exhibit 13 PowerPoint presentation describing proposed project
Petitioner Exhibit 14 Slides for Testimony of Richard Gollis
Petitioner Exhibit 15 Resume and Qualification of Tim Cornwell (replacement testifier for Richard Gollis, who was unable to testify due to family emergency)
D & O for LUC Docket No. A74-470 made available by Petitioner for Commission review
Correspondence from OP updating and revising OP’s Exhibit 1 (State Department of Transportation letter) in OP Supplemental Response of March 4, 2016.
OP’s Response to Petitioner’s Motion for Order Modifying the FOF, COL D&O dtd 8/28/91, OP Exhibit “1” & COS filed 11/6/15
County Request for filing Extension dated 11-6-2015
Intervenor- Greater Kona Community Council
The Commission received correspondence from Intervenor’s Representative, Mark Van Pernis, advising that he no longer represented the Intervenor, Greater Kona Community Council, which was involved in the original district boundary amendment proceeding; and would not be appearing. Public Records show that this entity was involuntarily dissolved in 1994.
LUC Request QLT provide additional information on motion dated November 20, 2015
LUC approval of County’s filing extension request dated November 18, 2015
LUC approval of OP’s filing extension request dated October 22, 2015
LUC approval of OP’s filing extension request dated August 24, 2015