SP22-414 Puunene Quarry SP Application for Amendment to Permit Terms, Conditions, and Time Stipulations

LUC Docket No. SP92-380
Hawaiian Cement
Tax Map Key: (2)3-8-004:001 (por)

Application was deemed complete as of _______.


Document # Description
File 1
  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Section 1 – Application for Amendment to Permit Terms, Conditions, and Time Stipulations Checklist
  • Section 2 – Application for Amendment to Permit Terms, Conditions, and Time Stipulations Form
  • Section 3 – Letters of Authorization
  • Section 4 – Zoning and Flood Confirmation Form
  • Section 5 – Project Assessment Report (PAR) Cover
  • PAR Table of Contents
  • PAR, Chapter I – Project Overview
  • PAR, Chapter II – Proposed Land Use Requests
  • PAR, Chapter III – Description of the Existing Environment and Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures
  • PAR, Chapter IV – Justification for Requests
  • PAR, Chapter V – References
  • Appendix A – State Special Use Permit (SP92-380)
File 2
  • Section 5 – PAR Appendix B to Appendix E
    • Appendix B – State Special Use Permit (SP92-380) Decision and Order (Third Amendment) Dated December 3, 2014
    • Appendix C – County Special Use Permit (CUP 2006/0002) Amendment Approval Letter Dated June 18, 2014
    • Appendix D – Executed Lease Amendment
    • Appendix E – HRS 6E Submittal Form (Submitted in March 2019)
File 3
  • Section 5 – PAR Appendix E-1
    • Appendix E-1 – Archaeological Assessment
File 4
  • Section 5 – PAR Appendix E-1 (continue)
    • Appendix E-1 – Archaeological Assessment (Appendix A)
File 5
  • Section 5 – PAR Appendix E-2
    • Appendix E-2 – Archaeological Monitoring Plan Dated March 2020 (Cover to Figure 17)
File 6
  • Section 5 – PAR Appendix E-2 (continue)
    • Appendix E-2 – Archaeological Monitoring Plan Dated March 2020 (2.2 Previous Archaeological Research to end)
File 7
  • Section 5 – PAR (Appendix E-3 to Appendix E-4)
    • Appendix E-3 – HRS 6E, Archaeological Assessment and Archaeological Monitoring Plan Acceptance Letter from State Historic Preservation Division Dated April 17, 2020
    • Appendix E-4 – Cultural Impact Assessment Report
File 8
  • Section 5 – PAR Appendix F
    • Appendix F – Preliminary Drainage and Soil Erosion Control Study
File 9
  • Section 5 – PAR Appendix G
    • Appendix G – 2020 State Use Permit Annual Compliance Report (page 1 to 5 of letter)
File 10
  • Section 5 – PAR Appendix G
  • 2020 State Use Permit Annual Compliance Report (page 6 to 8 of letter)
    • Exhibit A. Decision and Order Approving a Time Extension to a Special Use Permit
    • Exhibit B. Certificates of Insurance
    • Exhibit C. Restoration Plan
    • Exhibit D. State Department of Transportation Approval of Maintenance Plan
File 11
  • Section 5 – PAR Appendix G – 2020 State Use Permit Annual Compliance Report (continue)
    • Exhibit E. Current Permits
File 12
  • Section 5 – PAR Appendix G – 2020 State Use Permit Annual Compliance Report (continue)
    • Exhibit F. State Historic Preservation Division Approval Letter, Dated August 8, 2012
    • Exhibit G. Letter from State Historic Preservation Division Dated May 12, 2015
    • Exhibit H. Archaeological Assessment Report Revised July 2015 (cover to Trench 3)
File 13
  • Section 5 – PAR Appendix G – 2020 State Use Permit Annual Compliance Report (continue)
    • Exhibit H. Archaeological Assessment Report Revised July 2015 (Trench 4 to References)
File 14
  • Section 5 – PAR Appendix G (continue Exhibit H) to Appendix H
    • Appendix G – 2020 State Use Permit Annual Compliance Report (continue)
      • Exhibit H. Archaeological Assessment Report Revised July 2015 (Appendix A to end)
    • Appendix H. 2020 County Special Use Permit Compliance Report to End
File 15
  • Maui Planning Department Report and Recommendation to the Maui Planning Commission
    • Planning Department Staff Report May 24, 2022
File 16
  • Maui Planning Commission PowerPoint Presentation on May 24, 2022
    • Maui Planning Commission (MPC) PowerPoint Presentation (PPP) 052422
File 17
  • Preliminary Drainage and Soil Erosion Report
    • Preliminary Drainage and Soil Erosion Report 112921
      • 12.03.21 Revised Drainage Report Transmittal to Planning Department
      • 12.03.21 Revised Drainage Report Transmittal to Department of Public Works
      • 1.12.22 Revised Drainage Report Transmittal to Planning Dept.
      • 11.29.21 Revised Drainage Report
File 18
  • List of CD Contents