A15-798 Waikapu Properties – 2022 Motion to Amend Conditions 1, 4 and 8(b) of Decision and Order

Petitioner FilingLand Use Commission (LUC) FilingsState Office of Planning & Sustainable Development (OPSD) FilingsCounty of Maui FilingsPublic CommentsLUC Notices and OrdersCorrespondence

Motion To Amend Conditions 1, 4 And 8(B) Of Decision and Order Filed on February 26, 2018; Memorandum in Support of Motion; Exhibit “1”; Attachment “A”; Declaration of Michael Atherton; Certificate of Service (07/19/2022)

No Public Comments at this time.

LUC ORDER (10/26/2022)


LUC Agenda & Minutes

October 5-6, 2022: Agenda | Minutes | YouTube 10/05

No correspondence at this time.