A81-525 Y-O Ltd.


The original docket was initiated by the Petitioner, Y-O Limited Partnerships in December of 1981 and approved on January 20, 1983.  The total area of the petition covered approximately 410.913 acres at Kaloko and Kohanaiki, North Kona, Hawai`i.  The LUC incrementally approved the Petition; Phase I comprising 213.473 acres and Phase II comprising 195.246 acres.

Post-Decision ActionsLUC Notices and OrdersAgenda & MinutesAnnual Reports

October 17, 2002: Agenda |  Minutes

October 19, 2012: Agenda  |  Minutes

December 6, 2012: Agenda  |  Minutes

October 13, 2016: Agenda  |  Minutes

November 22, 2016: Agenda  |  Minutes

April 12, 2023:  Agenda |MinutesYouTube

November 16, 2023:  Agenda | Minutes | YouTube