Declaratory Rulings
A Petition for Declaratory Ruling (DR) is subject to the provisions in the LUC Rules Sections 15-15-99 to 15-15-104, Hawai`i Administrative Rules (HAR). Petitions for Declaratory Ruling request the Commission to determine the applicability of statutory (Hawai`i Revised Statutes), administrative (Hawai`i Administrative Rules), or a Decision and Order by the Commission. In addition, requests for designation of lands as Important Agricultural Lands (IAL) are also subject to the Declaratory Ruling process; reference to Sections 205-41 to 205-52, HRS; and Sections 15-15-120 to 15-15-128, HAR.
There are currently NO pending Declaratory Rulings before the Land Use Commission. If you are looking for a past DR, please click here.