DR15-54 Pu`unoa Homeowners Association, Inc. and Devonne Lane


Request to issue a declaratory order that proposed construction of a homeless encampment and commercial campground in Lāhaina, Maui is not allowed in the State Agricultural District and would require a land use district boundary amendment.

<strong>LUC Notices and Orders</strong><strong>Petitioner Filing</strong><strong>State</strong> <strong>Office of Planning & Sustainable Development (OPSD) Filings</strong><strong>County of Maui Filings</strong>

Order Denying Ho`omoana Foundation Petition to Intervene dated March 3, 2016

Declaratory Order dated March 3, 2016

**Decision Appealed to Court


Agenda & Minutes

February 24, 2016: Agenda  |  Minutes

April 20, 2016: Agenda  |  Minutes

Maui County Position Statement dated January 25, 2016

Maui County Revised Position Statement dated February 1, 2016